Look what’s happening in June – ideas for tutorials, books to read and places to visit




Take a look at the amazing talks, drop in sessions and exhibitions that are being showcased as part of York Festival of Ideas’.

Why not take your trainee to an event as part of a tutorial?

York GPTS are helping to run an event on the 11th June 2-4 pm at the National Centre for Early Music, ‘Arts for Health and Wellbeing’ tickets are free but need to be booked.

York’s festival coincides with the eighth annual Creativity and Wellbeing Week.

Creativity and Wellbeing week is a UK wide festival celebrating and showcasing some of the incredible work going on around arts and health. There is compelling and growing evidence that arts and culture can help us keep well, improve our health and live longer, better lives.

Look out for events near where you live

In June ST3 GP Teaching in York  will be themed around ‘creativity and wellbeing’, with teaching sessions on: Flash Fiction, Mindfulness, and Cluedo – creative problem solving.

On 12th June ST1s and ST2s in Scarborough and York will be attending a Creative Forum- Using the Arts for Health and Wellbeing at the National Centre for Early Music. This event will bring together individuals from the world of the arts, patients and doctors to learn together about how the creative arts can improve our health and wellbeing.

Singing is one of the UK’s favourite creative activities. There is growing evidence that singing improves our wellbeing and also improves our experience of living with lung conditions such as COPD and asthma.

But what about the act of breathing itself?

Take a look at the exhibition ‘Catch your Breath’at the Royal Collage of Physicians in London. If you can’t make the exhibition, the website has some great resources.

New resources for Surviving and Thriving in life and work

Take a look at this book by Consultants Diane McIntosh and Jonathon Horowitz, published by DK. It is an amazing collection of resources for learning and teaching about stress and resilience; a great book to recommend to patients and trainees.